Tuesday 4 December 2012


Return of the Jugganaut

. . . I know I said U'd hear 4RM me in October but. . . I just needed more time I guess. . . Good news is that I've been working hard and have been getting a lot better. To start off my return 2 Blogging I just wanna post a lil' summin' summin' 4RM the Darker / Hornier side of Jugganaut's Mind.

Check her Out on H. Foundry: [link]

That right there is the start of a chain of pieces demonstrating my new more "free" style as well as illustrating a bunch of "Divas" with added body parts or doing things that are considered Taboo by modern day society. Following Futa-Rihanna is Queen Bee herself taking a huge dump on her apartment floor. Here's a sneak Peak. . .


That illustration above will eventually have a fat turd falling from Beyonce's Asshole, just shows what kinda sick mothafucka I am. I love pushing my mind 2 strange boundaries and illustrating that. . .  


Now these 2 mamitas above Have been through so many changes that I lost count now. . . I'm going 4 something extremely different 4RM what I initially thought I was gonna go 4 (style-wise) If U don't know who they are follow the white Rabbit. . . [JUGGA_POST_07]

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